Missing Link In Home Business - Business Skills
Thinking of joining a network marketing company?
Already in one, and not achieving the success you wanted?
Or have you been in several, and just cant quite figure it out?
Having been involved in network marketing for a number of years, and having struggled at the beginning, I have sympathy for those that just cant quite get the results and momentum they see others getting.
We tend to get the whats wrong with me? syndrome. Well, theres nothing wrong with you. I...
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Thinking of joining a network marketing company?
Already in one, and not achieving the success you wanted?
Or have you been in several, and just cant quite figure it out?
Having been involved in network marketing for a number of years, and having struggled at the beginning, I have sympathy for those that just cant quite get the results and momentum they see others getting.
We tend to get the whats wrong with me? syndrome. Well, theres nothing wrong with you. Its the system.
Whenever something isnt going according to plan, its almost always the system. What do I mean? Well, lets take a look at a very common scenario:
John is taking a look at a network marketing opportunity. He takes into consideration how much money he is told he can make, and how much money the top income earner is making. He also thinks about how unsatisfied he is in his current job. This network marketing business allows him to dream big, and imagine a better lifestyle. He gets pumped up, and signs up.
His sponsor is calling him every day for the first few weeks, motivating him and telling him to just keep calling people and hes going to get a huge check!
Well, at about this point, many people start to get burnt out. Maybe its after one month; maybe five. But at some point that initial energy that pushes people to keep calling friends and family, and talking to everyone they knowwell eventually it fades and if there isnt a huge check to show for it, a new distributor understandably gets discouraged and doubt sets in.
However, this is not what people think about when they sign up. They sign up based on emotion, and also based on how much they like or get along with the person presenting.
Now from a business standpoint, how much sense does this make? Youre making a business deal and signing a contract, and all youve taken into account is how much you like the person in front of you and whether or not they can get you pumped up?
For EVERYONE whether youre new or a scarred veteran its time to re-evaluate everything. The majority of people in network marketing have never made more then $30,000 in one year and have never worked for themselves. Theyve always had someone managing their lives, and theyre used to doing just enough to stay in their job.
How can this same person expect to, overnight; start making six figures, become a leader, create a schedule for themselves, and stop thinking like an employee? For most, they CANT.
What is your sponsor and your upline doing to build your:
Time Management Skills?
Money Management Skills?
People Management Skills?
Communication Skills? (in person and especially over the phone)
The skills you need to actually create a real downline?
The skills you need to TRAIN your downline?
Well, we havent thought about this, have we? Take a look at your lives and the lives of people around you, and think about how most people rate in those skills above. Most people only know to work from 9-5, then party, eat and sleep until its time to work again.
Most people live paycheck to paycheck. Money Management is a foreign term to them.
Most people are employees, and simply do the tasks theyre assigned. People skills and communication skills are at an all time low with many people working in cubicles, watching three or four hours of TV every night, and not needing to interact with new people to get by.
And its diminishing, with the internet and automation playing a larger role in life. People are taught many things in school, but were not taught how to communicate effectively.
So, what did the presentation say about this absolutely necessary education? Nothing, probably. Well, its time to either go to your upline and demand help in this area; because if theyre making money, they are proficient in these skills. Or find another organization that will provide this.
Or, you could educate yourself now that you know what you need to learn. Either way, youre not going to just all a sudden increase your income TEN-FOLD just by talking to friends and family. Lets be real. You have to develop some very real and specific skills, and develop a very real and specific system for your business to run on.
Then, you can take that to the bank.
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