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SEO – A Janitor, A Bank And An Artesian Well

508 Summary: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategies can be likened to the janitorial staff of a large company. Why the janitorial staff? Well, no other individuals in the building are as well acquainted with every nook and cranny of the business as the janitorial staff. Not only is the janitor acquainted with the business, he or she is also the keeper of the keys. These individuals hold in trust the means to access every portion of the business. They can lock or unlock every room ... Keywords: marketing,internet marketing,site promotion,seo,search engine marketing,ppc,pay per click Article Body: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategies can be likened to the janitorial staff of a large company. Why the janitorial staff? Well, no other individuals in the building are as well acquainted with every nook and cranny of the business as the janitorial staff. Not only is the janitor acquainted with the business, he or she is also the keeper of the keys. These individuals hold in trust the means to access every portion of the business. They can lock or unlock every room in the building and they know more about the physical structure of the building than virtually anyone else on staff. Sometimes the best answers come from the janitorial staff. SEO strategies provide a similar function for online business. SEO has the ability to unlock the doors and explore the possibilities of marketing via the most powerful and free marketing tool available – search engines. SEO is the key to all areas of website marketing, and when it comes to marketing there are a lot of doors to unlock. When you do not work to maximize your marketing potential through SEO strategies it may be like the owners of a brick and mortar store deciding they don’t need janitorial services. It won’t be long before your business is cluttered up with overstock inventory, accumulated clutter and dust, which translates to very few customers. SEO eventually unlocks the doors to higher traffic counts and improves sales conversion rates. Perhaps the analogy of a janitor may seem a little obscure, but I used it because just like janitors the potential in SEO is often overlooked and undervalued. Both a janitor and SEO strategies are important to a company’s ability to perform well and manage the day-to-day functions of the business. SEO is a long-term strategy that provides compound interest. Every month it has the potential of bringing more and more business to your website. It may start slowly, but if you maximize SEO strategies the result will be improved overall site performance and increased sales. While many online businesses are utilizing alternative forms of advertising they are often lulled into believing this strategy will stand alone, but the truth is when you rely on Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising you are simply running a financial faucet. As soon as you turn off the faucet to conserve finances the traffic goes away. The approach of SEO is more like an artesian well that has a steady and refreshing supply of fresh water that can be replied upon. So let’s recap. SEO is like… A janitor – It provides keys that unlocks every area of your online business. A bank – It supplies compound interest with greater site visitation and sales conversions. An artesian well – It provides refreshing consistency when other forms of advertising cannot and will not. Hopefully by taking a few abstract examples and making them applicable to SEO strategies you can capture and more fully appreciate the idea that this marketing strategy is not only good, but also good for you, your business, and your customers.

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